
Political advisors and agony aunts to stars and politicians alike, our investigators provide a running commentary on world affairs from a lagomorph perspective.

A word about intellectual property and copyright

All photographic and written material on this site is ours. It has been provided with the sole purpose of pleasing our legions of fans. Do not mess with your IP and copyright; it ruffles our mane. We are highly conscious of our stellar market value and as such will be unfortunately forced to instruct our army of litigators should our intellectual property be exploited for financial gain without our prior written consent. Jus’ sayin’.


Any resemblance to non-lagomorph celebrities or politicians, living or dead, is down to the wild imagination and boredom levels of our editors-in-chief.


3 responses to “About”

  1. Linda Manor Avatar

    Hello, I started a petition on change.org to get Nationwide Insurance to cover spay and neuter for rabbits.

    As we all know spaying and neutering our rabbits significantly decreases many health issues including cancer, and help with overpopulation.

    Please sign the petition and share on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram to increase our chances of getting coverage for spay and neuter. Thank you!



  2. The Human (Lisa) Avatar

    Where are you guys from? Sometimes I read the accent a bit Ray Winstone-esque East end gangster. Other times I think it sounds a bit Cornish pirate. I need to know so I can imagine the voices properly when I read!

    FYI, our bunny boy Buttons was born in Daganham, but now lives near leafy Hertford. He still thinks he is a tough streetwise bunneh though, hanging wiv his dag’nam crew.

    Lisa xx


    1. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Haas is currently writing his tell-all autobiography so will keep things under wraps for a bit longer, however, he’ll lift the lid on his ancestry on these pages in the near future. Stay tuned!


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