Goodbye, dear Delores

February 2002-2nd July 2012






10 responses to “Goodbye, dear Delores”

  1. Ness Avatar

    Oh Delores! You will be so sorely missed! Sweetpea tries so very hard to live up to your unmatched stylishness, but she’s got a long way to go. Watch over her and all the bunnies wherever you are.


    1. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Waitress: Dear Ness and Sweetpea, thank you for your kind words. Delores would be very proud to know her style lives on in her friends! We all miss her very much.


  2. Marieke Avatar

    Delores, sweety, hope you didn’t suffer too much, only a few days ago you were so vivid and sparkling on the phone!
    I know a bunch that suffer right now….
    It’s hard to imagine you’re gone, why don’t bunnies get as old as we do!?
    Hope the waitresses are somewhat allright…?
    Think of you all,
    bon courage, in Delores’ inspiring spirit.
    We will get on with her ideas on how the world can actually look better!
    Or have better looks,
    we will continue her good work!
    Bye bye sweety,



    1. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Waitress: Thank you dear Marieke. Delores would be infinitely proud to know her hard work to rid the world of fashion crime lives on in all of us. Sashay on, as she would say!


  3. Rabbit Reporter Avatar

    My heart breaks..Dolores is hopping along the Rainbow Bridge with my beautiful Fluffy. ❤ ::hugs to you::


    1. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Waitress: Thank you. I am sure they will be swapping grooming tips by now. Lagomorph heaven has just become a little more stylish!


    2. Rabbit Reporter Avatar

      and Classy! ❤


    3. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Waitress: Thank you! You would think she was high maintenance but no, she liked her visits to her tush technician, her bottae beautician and having her daily her rear rubs, but that was about it. Mostly she would be picked up by Elton or Victoria when she wanted to go shopping and would give us the afternoon off when she did!


  4. yowlyy Avatar

    Noooo…. what happened??? I am in shock, Neville and Holly want to know… Hugs to the waiters, ear rubs to the buns. G. x


    1. editor-in-chief Avatar

      Waitress: Dear friends, thank you. Delores withdrew from public life on Sunday, and was reunited with her beloved Bink the next day. The Bunnington Post newsroom is very quiet without her. We all miss her very much.


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